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What Everyone Ought To Know About Running Effects on Your Body

You would think that running and juggling everyday would lead to some great health benefits.  And it’s true as we’ve previously discussed benefits of running on your weight.  Of course, this assumes that you don’t do it so much that you getjuggling nurse injured.

There are other health benefits to daily joggling.  Here is a list of physical and chemical changes you can expect to experience when you begin to increase your joggling mileage. They were published in the July 2006 issue of Runners World.

Physical and Chemical Changes From Joggling

1. Hemoglobin range expands.  Normally, men have 14 – 18 deciliters of hemoglobin in blood (women have 12 – 16). Running increases blood volume so a runner’s range should be adjusted. 13 – 18 for men and 11 – 16 for women.

2. LDL Cholestrol level can be higher. While an LDL of 160 would be high in sedentary folks, for runners with no risk factors for coronary disease this level is ok. If you have some risk factors 130 is your optimal level, and if you’ve ever had cardiovascular disease, 100 is your number.

3. C-reactive Protein level is lower.  CRP is a marker for chronic inflammation that can signal cardiovascular disease. Regular people will have a range from 1 to 3 milligrams per liter in their blood. But regular runners should have less than 1 milligram per liter.

4. Serum ferritin levels can affect performance. If you’re feeling a bit slow then you might get your iron levels checked. They should be in the range of 30 to 300 milligrams per deciliter (30 to 150 in women).

5. Heart rate will be lower.  For people who don’t regularly exercise a low heart rate could be indicative of a problem with the heart’s electrical system. But since you’re a regular joggler, your resting heart rate could be lower than 60 bpm. This signals a healthy heart for you.

The final bit of advice is that if you are an athlete, you may want to get a doctor that will better understand your body. This will be especially helpful when you come down with something like tendonitis.

This Post Has One Comment
  1. On the flip side, I heard that a lower resting heart rate means more susceptibility to blood clotting. Something to consider when flying….

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