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Low stress training program for the Tampa Bay Marathon

The Tampa Bay marathon is on February 18th, and I’m all signed up to joggle it. This will be my 22nd marathon, half-way to the 44 marathon goal.

Do you need a marathon training program?

juggling trainingThis marathon is different because I haven’t followed a training program. My marathon preparation is as follows.

  1. Joggle as many days as you can.
  2. Go as far as you feel like going.
  3. Occasionally, go faster than you feel like going.
  4. Do a double-digit distance on the weekend.

That’s it. See, you don’t need a training program to do a marathon.

Note: I’m still averaging 35 miles and 6 running sessions a week.

Marathon joggling results

Of course, by following no training program you’re not likely set a PR. You’re certainly not likely to break the world record for joggling a marathon! Although, you can’t expect to set a PR everytime you go out and race.

You might also experience a significant amount of pain during and after the run.  Particularly around mile 18 or so.  Make judicious use of pain killers if you need to.

But without a serious training program you can still finish and “enjoy” your joggling marathon and that’s what I intend to do in Tampa Bay. Certainly I’d like to get a PR but seeing the sights, entertaining the crowd, and heading out for an adventure in Florida with a couple of friends sounds just great to me.

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